Saturday, 30 March 2013


·        Hamlet

Cultural Studies examines power relationships also. It emphasis on it. For example, Cultural studies and its critics assume "oppositional roles in terms of power structures, wherever they might be found. It wants us to have a lance at some marginalized characters we have not been given enough importance and those who should have been given recognition in their lives. Ho politics, power, indeed on all matters that deeply affect people's practical and day to day lives. The people who have money and power position they will be given importance and recognition, no matter whether they deserve or not. No one those people. Who have power so the hero of Shakespeare's novel 'Hamlet' comes under that category.
Hamlet is the play within the play. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are marginalized characters. Claudius - villain is having a necessary talk arth Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Hamlet's fellow students from wittenloery.  They were studying there. In response to Claudius's plan to send Hamlet to England Rosencrantz delivers a speech. They both were not at the centre and they were not having any inheritance like Hamlet was the son of late king Hamlet and belonged to Royal family but they were intelligent, educated with a proper understanding. Rosencrantz's speech shows his excellence and mastery over language.

·        The Speech of Rosencrantz's :

The singular and peculiar life is bound
With all the strength and armor of the mind
To keep itself from noyance, but much more
That spirit upon whose weal depends and rests
The lives of many.The cease of majesty 
Dies not alone, but like a gulf doth draw
what's near it with it. It is a massy wheel
Fixed on the summit of the highest mount,
To whose huge spokes ten thousand lesser things
Are mortised and adjoined ;which,when it falls,
Each small annexment , petty consequences,
Attends the boisterous ruin. Never alone
Did the king sigh but with a general groan.  

The passage is a thoughtful one. It is praiseworthy. This is one of the examples of excellence of a marginalized character. In spite of having access of excellence they have been marginalized and Hamlet being a hero. From a wealthy and Royal Family has been put into the category of a moral hero. Who has a few lacks also. The question arises about the people  howmany people will be there to notice it ? These lines should have been considered as the best known lines of the play, but they have been ignored. Hamlet's soliloquies, king's soliloquy of conscience his futile efforts to pray to god have been considered the best well-known lines as compared to Rosencrantz's speech.  Guildenstern had just agreed that he and Rosencrantz would do as they were told by the king. The agreement is only a reaffirmation of what they had told the king when he first received them at court. The two are distinctly plot - driven : empty of personality, sycophantic in a sniveling way, eager to curry favour with power even if it means spying on their erstwhile, Friend. They  admit, without mush skill at deniel, that they "were sent for".
The meanings of their names match what seems to be the essence of their characters. Murray J. Levith, has written that "Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern are from the Dutch - German : literally, 'garland of roses and' golden star'. Their names give them a position and meaning lightness.
These details do not seem to fit the personalities and general vacuity of Shakespeare's two incompetents. So it becomes necessary to know and have a look at what they do and what is done to them. They were students at Wittenberg. They return to Denmark, because they were requested by claudius. They try to Dry from Hamlet and his inner thoughts what he has been thinking and wanting for many days since his Father's  death, especially his ambitions and frustrations about the crown. Hamlet foils them. They crumble before his own questioning. Claudies then sends them on an embassy with Hamlet, carrying a letter to the king of England that would have been executed by Hamlet. They both may not have known the contents of that letter or "Grand Commission". Hamlet's suspicion and dought is enough for him to decide their future. Here Hamlet has capacity to device Murderous schemes.
Hamlet's action in replacing the king's letter which Rosencrantz and Guidenstern were carrying by another letter which  asks English authorities to put an end to the life of these two men shows again that Hamlet can be heartless when occasion demands it. When Horatio remarks that Guildenstern and Rosencrantz have gone to their death, Hamlet feels not the least regret in having sent them to their death, but syas :
They are not near my conscience; their 
defeat Does by their own insinuation grow.
This incident also shows that Hamlet can, on certain occasions, device and pursue murderous schemes. In spite of doing this Hamlet is seen as a moral characters who is given importance and recognition but no one considers Hamlet as a murderer. It shows how power plays a vital role in one's life. First Guildenstern and Rosencrantz were called and requested by Claudius  to know about Hamlet's mind and his desire so they both are used by Claudius. Second they were sent to their deaths by Hamlet so they are used by Hamlet. They are pawns for claudius first, for Hamlet second. It is almost as if Hamlet had tried before the sea voyage to warn them of their insignificant state; he calls Rosencrantz a sponge, Provoking. The message of power goes on and on. At first they intended only good For their erstwhile school fellow. But their more constant motive is to dease the king, the power that has brought them here. This shows power in the world of kings and princes. England had known the effects of such power off for centuries. The time of Elizabeth is well-known. Witness especially the fate of the second Earl of Essex. Whose attempt at rebellion led to his own, execution, Marry Queen's execution. Who had been imprisoned by Elizabeth for years before Elizabeth signed the death warrant. With this history. We can understand how long, It had been going on and why Shakespeare's work shows power struggles.
Claudius was aware of Power. He minutely observed his madness that madness in great ones must not unwatched go". So Rosencrantz and Guildenstern might have observed that power in Great ones also must not unwatched go.
Here our emphasis in the present reading is that one can gain a further insight into the play, and indeed into Shakespeare's culture, by thinking not about kings and princes but about the lesser and minor characters in appositions.

·        What is to be understood :

                   It is necessary to enrich our response to Hamlet by looking at a related cultural and philosophical. Manifestation from the twentieth century. In the twentieth century the dead, or never living & Rosencrantz and Guildenstern where resuscitated by Tom stppard in a Fascinating re-seeing of their existence, or its lack. They are seeking constantly to know. Who they are going. It is to note that the essence of Marginalization is here : Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are archetypal human beings caught up on a ship - that  leads nowhere, except to death, a death for persons who are already dead. If Shakespeare marginalized the powerless in his own version of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, stoppared has marginalized us all in an era when - in the eyes of some all of us are caught up in forces beyond our control. In other words, a cultural and historical view that was shakespeare's is radically reworked to reflect a cultural and philosophical view of another time-our own.

·        What cultural studies wants :

                   So cultural studies gives us as a view from history and historical events or incident what had been going on from centuries and power position had played a vital role in an individual's life and marginalized characters had been ignored and their noble characteristics had been suppressed in spite of having morality and high moral values whereas heroes from royal and wealthy families were being described as noble characters in spite of being immoral and inconstant people so cultural studies wants us to have a look at those marginalized characters.

·        Hamlet's Lacks :
                   Hamlet has many lacks. For example he has lack of determination when he has a chance to kill & Claudius while praying to god Hamlet thinks that if, he kills Claudius now then he will directly go to heaven because he is praying to God but if he had killed Claudius   at that time then he would not have killed innocent polonious. Hamlet should have repented after killing polonius that he has killed the father of the girl whom he has loved truely but he does not think so and goes on talking with his mother Gertrude. As he sends Guildenstern and Rosencrantz to their deaths. He was not a man of action. He is capable of Man of action. Such a primitive hero was not likely to be of interest to shakespeare when he was at the height of his creative powers. What he did was to imagine a noble and sweet price, placed in a situation where his acknowledge duty all the more difficult. Hamlet a Man who could not kill his guilty uncle claudius but kills the innocent polonious. He does so without knowing the identity of his victim. He feels not the least compunction or remorre on discovering that his victim is polonius. Hamlet appears to be most callous.
                   Hamlet has capacity for bitter and cynical wit. When Hamlet is asked what he has done with the dead body of polonius. He replies : "Compounded it with dust, whereto" his kin." He calls Rosencrantz a sponge "That soaks up the king's coyntenarce, his reward, his authrities" When Rosencrantz again asks Hamlet replies, The body is with The King, but the king is not with the body. The King is a thing - ". Rosencrantz and Guildenstern had no idea of claudius's scheeming. They were innocent but they wanted to help both Hamlet and claudius but they are used by Hamlet and claudius and they had to sacrifice their lives too. Hamlet does not think of his two best friends with whom he has spent a lovely time and decides to put an end to their deaths. 

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Jcques Derrida's "Structure sign and play in the discourse of the Human Sciences". This work helps in understanding deconstruction/post-structuralism and structuralism.
Structure for example language has grammar, and grammar has structure. New beginning is based on the new ending. Post modernism is standing on modernism and it is a continuous process. The whole process is associated with each other. It makes invisible structure visible. For example T.P. Kalasam's Eklavya makes the character of Eklavya visible from invisibility - character. Actions cannot be without context because actions are always contextual. Deconstruction is related to the process to apply knowledge in which context and how to use that knowledge is important.
                                     Deconstruction is philosophy of meaning; free play of meaning. The word Bet and Bat - a bird have a lot of meanings and those meanings play into our mind. To identify the meaning and true meaning of words is deconstruction. Language always empowers us. Words control us. We do not go beyond the words. If we consider one superior then it means we have already considered one inferior. Superiority of one thing and inferiority of that thing always come together and questions of ethics and morality too. It always goes on changing. We do not have general view. There are differences. Majority and Minority always come together.

                                            Binary Opposition.
·                    Superiority           Inferiority
·                    Being          -        Non-being
·                    Reality        -        Appearance /
·                    Virtue         -      Vice
·                    Day            -       Night
·                    Light           -        Darkness
·                    Male           -        Female
·                    White          -         Black
·                    Colonizer    -        Colonized
·                    Majority     -        Minority

Majority has power position and controls others and minority suffers, faces many problems. Their desires and ambitions have been suppressed. The way people use words becomes more important. Deconstruction helps us understand silence voices, ignored things which are left out. Deconstruction changes our way of looking towards different things and our perspectives. Morality and immorality's concepts become important. Deconstruction helps us in changing our thinking from genuine perspective. Subaltern Orientalism is deconstructed into practice. It helps us search true words and meanings.   Deconstruction brings the concept of universality comes. Classic - Non-classic works come. The thing which arrives after the first thing redefines the previous and the first thing. Idea becomes ideology. Meaning are given in the context. The idea of signifier and signified comes. Words have different meanings. In written words meaning dies. The spoken words are more contextualized. Written things are judged and examined by readers.

Deconstruction : Derrida's Concept.

In the criticism of literature, Deconstruction is a theory and practice of reading. Which questions and claims to 'subvert' or 'undermine' The assumption that the system of language provides grounds that are adequate to establish the boundaries. The coherence or unity, and determine meaning of a literary text. Typically, a deconstructive reading sets out to show the conflicting forces within the text itself to dissipate the seeming definiteness of its structure and meaning into indefinite array of incompatibility and undividable possibilities.
According to Derrida there is no presence or truth a part, from language. He seeks to prove that the structurality of the structure does not indicate a presence above its free play of signs. 'The centre could not be thought in the form of a being – presence', and that in any given text, there is only a free play of an infinite number of sign substitutions. A word is explained by  another word which is only a word not an existence.
 A literary text is a work of language and language as such according to Derrida, is like time, ever in a state of flux. Derrida quotes and approves Levi-Strauss who writes : "Whatever may have been the moment and the circumstances of its appearance in the scale of animal life, language could only have been born in one full swoop. Things could not have set about signifying progressively. Following a transformation the study of which is not the concern of the social sciences, but rather of biology and psychology; a crossing over about from a stage. where nothing had a meaning to another where everything possessed it".

         Logocentrism / Phonocentrism:

He tries to deconstruct the idea of prioritization. The way we look at the word. Language plays a vital role. Language is made up of words and words getting into the meaning and something will come into existence. Words cannot be measured or understood from the dictionary.  The truth and  the fact  play a vital role. Language too becomes an obstacle. Deconstruction measures the possibility of falsehood in truth. Truth does not require proof or evidence. Then why does it need the support of 'words' ? Words do not convey the exact meaning what they want to say. Truth need not be proved. The process of knowing and unknowing goes together. Knowing leads to the idea of not-knowing. Truth is independent and whenever language comes it creates deconstruction. Free play of meaning plays a vital role. Language is not natural but it can be learnt. It goes on changing. It is believed in deconstruction that spoken words are better than written words. Because spoken words are related to speech and speech is natural. The speaker who has experienced truth, he can express. Language preexists our existence. Words create a meaning and when those words  are used many time, those  words will be able to give meaning. When the same and a common concept comes repeatedly it will create meaning.

John Strurrock, "The meanings that are read into it may or may not coincide with the meanings which the author believes he or she has invested it with. A reasonable view is that a large number of these meanings will coincide depending on how far separable author and reader are in time, space and culture but that a large number of other meanings will not coincide. For language have powers of generating meaning is irrespective of the wishes of those of who use it."

 Structuralism :

It is the offshoot of certain developments in linguistics and anthropologists .Saussure's mode of the synchronoc study of language was an attempt to formulate the grammar of a language from a study of parole. Using the Saussurian  linguistic model, Claude Levi-Strauss examined the customs and conventions of some cultures with a view of arriving at the grammar of those cultures. Structuralism aims at forming a Poetics or the science of literature from a study of literary works.

Structuralism is an approach to analyzing the narrative material by examining the underlying invariant structure. For example a literary critic applying a structuralist  literary theory might say that the another of West side story did not write anything “really” new because their work has the same structure as Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. In both texts a girl and a boy fall in love despite the fact that they belong to two groups that hate each other and conflict is resolved by their death.

Structuralism argues that the "Novelty value of a "literary text" can lie only in new structure, rather than in the specifics of character development and voice in which that structure is expressed.

Structuralism as a method is peculiarly imitable to literary criticism which is a discourse upon a discourse. In Genette’s words, 'If the writer questions the universe the critic questions literature, that is to say, the universe of signs.

Literature, being primarily a work of language, and structuralism in its part, being preeminently a linguistic method, the most probable encounter should obviously take place on the terrain of linguistic material sound, forms, words and sentences constitute the common object of the linguist and the philologist to much an extent that it was possible, in the early Russian Formalist movement, to define literature as a mere dialect, and to envisage its study as an annex of general dialectology.

Genette believes that structural criticism is untainted by any of the transcendent reductions of psychoanalysis or Marxist explanation. He writes,  "It exerts, in its own way, a part of internal reduction, traversing the substance of the work in order to reach its bone-structure: Certainly not a superficial examination, but a sort of radioscopic penetration, and all the more external in that it is more penetrating". The Structuralist idea is to follow literature in its overall evolution, while making synchronoc cuts at various stages and comparing tables one with another.

Monday, 18 March 2013

The Victorian Literature


                "Oliver Twist" - the novel is considered as a fictionalized version of the real life orphans which were popular at that time. As the story progressed, introducing its hero into London's criminal low-life. Dickens tells us that he wanted Oliver to represent the strength of virtue in the fallen world : he is neglected, imprisoned and isolated. He wanders in an unknown country and an unknown city, picking up dangerous helpers and teachers. He is involved in cruelty, misery and nightmare and his child's point of view, both radically and symbolically innocent, brings us close to the sensations of helplessness and panic. It is easy to speak of Dickens's virtuous character which they are but it is essential to notice his affective powers, which are highly developed in Oliver.

*             Novel :  Oliver Twist is an extreme criticism of Victorian society's treatment of the poor. The workhouses that were institutions of the Victorian middle class was established to raise poor children. Poor families had vices, which should have been discouraged and it was believed that poor husbands and wives were separated in order to prevent them from having children and expending the lower class. Poor children were taken away from their parents in order to allow the state and the church to raise them in the manner they believed most appropriate.

*             The workhouse :  The workhouse functions as a sign of the moral hypocrisy. She does not provide them enough food or meal. The Victorian middle class saw cleanliness as a moral virtue and the workhouse was supposed to reserve the poor from the immoral condition of dirty things and filthy.  Dickens chooses a weapon of satire on the workhouse which itself as a filthy on the place. Mrs. Mann never insures that the children practice good hygiene. Workhouses were established to save the poor from starvation, disease, filth but we can find hardships on the poor. Mr. Bumble's nature and his character shows middle class hypocrisy. He himself is fat, well-dressed and the entire workhose is full of fat gentlemen who preaches   the value of enough diet for residents of the workhouse.

*             Middle class-lower class :  What the middle class characters think of the lower classes that are naturally base, criminal, filthy and they consider themselves as a clean and highly morally social cultures group. The behavior of the workhouse  people have been satirized. For example the gentleman who call Oliver a "Orange". After Oliver's request for more food, the board schemes to apprentice him to a brutal master. Even when the upper classes claim to reduce the lower class predicament, they only end up. Oliver is sent to a brutal employer after believing his fate as a criminal and the board ensures his death. Instead of giving treatment of good human beings the workhouse gives the treatment of vices. Vices ought to be reduced but the condition was different there. One workhouse boy, with a 'hungry look" awaits to eat another boy. Workhouses force their residents to become cannibals. The workhouse imitates the poor children slavery. They are fed and clothed as little as possible and required to do tasks arranged by the board. They are accepted to be happy and graceful to accept the miserable conditions that have been forced on them. The character are absurd they show opposite of what they are expected to do or they should do. The upper classes are ignorant of the plight of the lower classes.

*             Sowerberries : Noah Claypole who is Mr. Sowerberry's apprentice who mistreats Oliver so his relation with Oliver illustrates Victorian England's obsession with class destination. His parents were not able enough to give him shelter and food or clothes. Noah has become habituated to behave rudely with hatred towards those who are better off than he. Oliver is even worse off than he is.  Snobbery is a characteristic of the lowest as well as the highest class of society. That kind of behavior seems a component of class insecurity. The poor taunt those who are poorer than they. They distinguish themselves from those who are even worse than them in life.

                Dickens also criticizes the Victorian characterization of the poor as immoral, criminal, filthy. Bur the character of Oliver after all is virtuous, good and innocent. We also might expect a criticism of a popular conception of the lower classes to describe many lower class character who are essentially good, honest, hard worker. But Dickens does not paint such a picture. The character of Noah exhibits the same stereotype that Dickens satirizes. He - being the son of a drunkard seems to have inherited all the treats that his father has, greedy, ugly, dirty.

                Perhaps this novel was written to expose the conditions in which the lower classes were expected to live, in which the poor live their lives. Industrial resolution, economic conditions have been portrayed well. Oliver and Sowerbbery's travelling for a dead paper's body. The neighborhood is full of shop fronts that are "Fast closed . The husband wife does not starve to death as a result of her "natural" laziness but she starves to death because of economic realities of the society in which she lives.

*             Development in Oliver's character : Oliver's attack on Noah is an important moment in the development of his character. He is portrayed as sweet, docile, innocent. Dickens wants his audience sympathy for the poor orphan. His sudden reaction and anger makes him aware and more passionate human. We always have desire to achieve those things which we have not got yet or we have not seen yet. We do not have Oliver raised in the workhouse, he has never seen a family - love of family - except the sowerberrys, who are childless. He has grown a little bit from immaturity and realizes, his sense of familial love is string enough to react in favour of his mother's defense. Dickens clearly shows that desire for the love of the family is a natural thing and an impulse with which children are born.

                Oliver's trip to London has significance. It shows the migration of the poor to the urban centers of England during the Industrial Revolution. His hungry, exhausted condition is a result of the laws forbidding beginning. The crimes committed by the poor on the people who passed the  strictest poor laws and it has been clamed by Dickens. Oliver must accept the aid of Fagin's gang. He experiences domestically in his life. Fagin's house is filthy, they have plenty of food, no one to scold  or to be jealous of Oliver his full share of the food.

*             Characterization of Fagin :  Dicken's characterization of Fagin is one of the uncomfortable and complicated characterizations. His characterization is Jewish stereotypes. Fagin's character has been portrayed as a "a very old shrivelled Jew" with a villainous look. His face does not attract us or a kind of repulsive face. His eyes "glisten" as he has desires for magnificent gold watch. He is a greedy person. Fagin obtains it by having others to do the thieving for him. Others have been hanged for doing Fagin's biding, they have to follow him and his rules. He is referred to as "the Jew" or "the old Jew" and he is made a representative for all Jews.

                Fagin also represents a harsh parody of the protestant work of ethic. Oliver really wanted to do work because he notices Fagin's "Stern or strict morality" and we can find it when Charley and Dodgew return home empty handed. Fagin instead of being elder, senior does not work but forces others to do it for him. His character shows his misery, lazy habits. He sometimes punishes them by denying them dinner. Victorians punished, castigated the poor for laziness. But the work ethic they preached was responsible for creating the perversion of that ethic that Fagin represents. As a result of "stern morality" of charitable institutions, Paupers have to choose between the harsh conditions of the workhouses and the harsh conditions of the streets. Those who stay outside the workhouse are often forced to turn to crime in order to survive.

*             Oliver's experience in the courtroom :  Oliver's experience in the courtroom highlights the position of the poor in the eyes of law. Mr. Fang is the harsh, irrational man of the English legal system. The law has some rules to listen to any unfortunate Pauper brought to face 'justice'. Without hard evidence or witnesses, Brownlow does not believe that Oliver is the thief. Mr. Fang convicts Oliver and sentences him to three months of hard labor. Oliver's inability to speak us because of his sickness and it suggests the lower class's lack of political power. In 1830's England, the right to vote was based on wealth, so the poor has no any right, respect to the law. Moreover, the upper classes consider their own conceptions of the poor upon them. They are dirty, uneducated, immoral, immature and these characteristics redefining poor people's identity so these acceptance of the poor's identity shows that there is no truth so truth should not be expected from the poor class. Oliver cannot even say his name because of his terror, so a court officer gives him the false name of "Tom White". This process of renaming occurs. The name "Oliver Twist" is no more authentic, for Bumble names him when he is born. Oliver's identity has been determined by other more powerful people throughout his life.

*             Reformation in Oliver's life : Oliver enters a new world when he is taken to Brownlow's hope. The English legal system and the workhouse represent a value system based on punishment or strict morals. The Brownlow household, in contrast works on a basis of forgiveness and kindness. After some false identities, names imposed by others, Oliver comes into contact with a portrait of a woman he closely resembles. With this incident the novel's central secret and Oliver's true identity is established.

*             Relationship between clothing and identity : The disguise that Nancy wears when she enters the polish station reveals the difference between the middle and lower classes in Victorian society. She seems to be a member of an elite class. She disguises herself as a middle-class woman, and she acts as if she is an individual worth hearing. In the attire of the middle-class she gains both a social voice and social identity or visibility. She becomes an individual. Just as Nancy gains a middle-class identity by changing her clothing, Oliver abandons his identity as a orphan pickpocket when he leaves his pauper's clothes and is given a new suit by Brownlow. Oliver gains the identity of a gentlemen's son by wearing the clothing of a gentlemen's son. He is asked about his dreams what will he be in future whereas at the workhouse, the authorities never bother to ask him his opinion. In Victorian England an individual's profession determined a part of his or her identity. His condition represents the silence of the poor. The poor cannot define their social identity - instead elite classes define the identity of the poor for them how they think of them.

*             Class identity is correlated with history too : Class identity is correlated with history. He is asked to give his own life history. When Oliver was a Pauper, other people control controlled his history as well as identity. When he is Sowerberry's apprentice, Oliver attempts to gain control of his identity by denying Noah's insults to his mother, but instead he receives a beating for trying to assert the correct version of his past. Once he abandons his Pauper status, Oliver's right to explain his past, Oliver's lack of connection to his past becomes an obstacle in his life whereas the upper classes and member of the aristocracy are able to establish their identities.

                Nancy imposes another false identity on Oliver in order to kidnap him. She calls him her "dear brother". Those who are denied families in the novel often seeks for a family. In Fagin's family Oliver was a brother to Nancy. Both are dependent upon him for their food and shelter. Oliver confirms the worst stereotypes of the poor as a member of Fagin's pickpocket band.

*             Characters : Although most major characters in Oliver Twist are either have good qualities or bad qualities. Oliver and Mr. Brownlow are good character and embodiments of evil like Mr. Bumble, Fagin and Bill Sikes. Nancy's character has moral extremes. Dickens describes her character very well combines with her position as a young, unmarried female at Pauper, implies that she is a prostitute - a profession which arouses little sympathy or hatred also. Dickens in his preface to 1941 edition of the novel, shows that "the boys are pickpockets, and the girl is a prostitute". She also attempts and schemes to bring Oliver back into Fagin's gang. But she cannot buffer and see Sikes and Fagin for mistreating Oliver and it shows her deep and passionate sense of morality. Most other "good" characters we meet are good because they have no experience with vie and degradation. Nancy knows degradation well yet she is good. Her character has been portrayed well to ask whether an individual can be redeemed from the effects of a bad environment. When Nancy regrets for returning back Oliver to Fagin's care, shows that the boys might be involved in prostitution too. Nancy's dialogue while pointing to Oliver is a famous one. " I Have been in the same trade, and in the same service for twelve years since".  It shows her absolute identification between the two characters. Victorian sensibilities mandated that references to sexuality were avoided.

*             Oliver's domestic relationship with Fagin and his gang : Oliver's domestic relationship with Fagin and his gang suggests that the environment in which one is raised is a determining factor of one's character than biological nature. The need of companionship plays a vital role and drives people to accept whichever community accepts them. As Oliver too finds humor  and joy in the companionship of the thieves, so it shows how easy it is for Fagin to corrupt Oliver. Friendless children will obviously adopt them as family any person who is good and generous to them and will easily adopt that person's value. The Artful Dodger (Jack Dawkins) and Charley Bates are aside from their crimes. As Dodger's name implies his highly intellectuality and Charley is habitual to laughing at little provocation. Both could have thrives in legitimate society.

                The fact is that Oliver speaks in such a sophisticated manner as compared to the rest of Fagin's boys. It suggests that even when people are born into the bad or evil conditions, they can appreciate and have goodness and morality. When the Dodger and Charley pick Brownlow's pocket, and when Sikes, order Oliver into the house, Oliver reacts with shock and horror at the idea of stealing. It is unclear where has acquired such moral sense and he could not have learned it amid the life or death struggles of the workhouse. The Dodger and Charley speak in the slang and abuse the street children. They use the words like "seragged", "rum dog", "preaching". But Oliver does not understand what such expressions mean. He himself speaks in proper English. "I would rather go". Even Mr. Bumble speaks in a comical vulgar language, it does not affect speech shows his moral goodness.

                Oliver is good and it creates confusion with the argument that corruption is existed by the horrible living conditions of the lower classes and environment effects the person especially the child rather than inherently born into their characters. Morality can be born into character. Mr. Sowerberry enlists Oliver to serve in funerals because of melancholy in his face. He seems "unhappy". Other boys also think that Oliver has good and innocent, kind face so it would be better for them to send Oliver to bag.

*             Resemblance between Oliver and the woman in the portrait : The resemblance between Oliver and the woman in the portrait provides us with the pivot hint that the workhouse-born Oliver has an identity that is worth discovering. Dickens does not seem to agree with the Bumble's idea of paupers that the poor are born with greedy nature, selfishness and with affinity for vice and crime. Vice and crime are natural in them. But it sometimes seems as if Oliver has been born with an affinity for virtue and love, just as he was born with his angelic face.

*             Bumble : Bumble names Oliver as a child born of "low and vicious" parents, shows the stereotype that the poor inherit a criminal nature. Oliver was "low and vicious" for trying to define his identity on his own terms. Mr. Bumble shows Brownlow his own identification papers to prove his statement. His status as the middle-class beadle for a workhouse gives him the right to speak for Oliver. Bumble has power of the state to back up his word. Oliver only has his own word to back him up. Outside the workhouse Oliver has no legal existence unless he commits a crime and enters the courtroom. The poor people are considered as criminals, "idle, lazy" paupers living on other's charity. The state only recognizes their existence and them when they commit crimes, die or enter the workhouses.

*             Mrs. Corney : Mrs. Corney, the middle-class matron of the workhouse, enjoys luxury than the paupers. She enjoys herself in her room with blazing fire during the cold winter. The facilities of hew apartment which draw Mr. Bumble's eyes and heart in her direction, represent the money that might have been spent on the paupers under her care. Hew life style is based on theft but she is robbing those who have nothing, her theft will never be acknowledged. Middle class controls conceptions of what is right and wrong. Church officials, intellectuals, public officers who have authority to declare what is right and wrong are all part of the middle class. With this control they are able to ignore their own thievery, hates  the lower classes, and at the same time condemn the lower class version of thievery. Mrs. Corney and Mr. Bumble's hypocrisy has been demonstrated well. Mr. Bumble notices that Mrs. Corney's cat receives better treatment than the workhouse paupers. The cats bask in front of a blazing fire while paupers freeze. Mr. Bumble remarks that he would  drawn any cat. Mrs. Corney calls him a cruel man for saying this. She ignores her own cruelty to the paupers. By treating the paupers worse than animals these so called charitable officials destroy their basic rights as human beings.

*             Marriage of Mrs. Corney with Mr. Bumble : This marriage is a parody of certain kind of middle class marriage. His proposal was for material wealth. He verifies everything, hew clothing is of good fashin and texture. Hew small box contains money. During the Victorian era many marriages were economic arrangements for people of middle class status.

*             Introduction of Monks, Rose Maylie and other characters : Monk's arrival draws the readers into thinking. Dickens’s description of Monks as "a dark figure" who is mysterious too. Rose Maylie imagines Oliver's entire history at a glance. Rose's hypothesis about his past and personality are accurate. She believes Oliver took part in the burglary because he has never known a mother's love or he suffered ill usage too, the want of bread. She names all the miserable conditions of poverty that may have driven him to hard with men who have forced him to guilt. Like Brownlow and unlike the English legal system, the Mayliers believe in forgiveness and kindness. Dickens has portrayed  these characters well who believe that Oliver is very good but born into a bad environment, those vices can be improved or changed or removed by making them understand about good and material conditions rather than punishing them. The Maylies believe that Oliver's surrounding have determined his behavior but not his nature and for the first time in his life Oliver is given the chance to narrate his life-story on his own terms. This extent is the most important and necessary event in establishing his identity as he has been separated from his surroundings . 

                Maylies's courtroom is so different from the typical courtroom of the English legal system. In the courtroom of Mr. Fang which Dickens depicts in the novel. Oliver is not permitted to speak up even in the absence of conclusive avidence, the magistrate convicts him of the crime of pick pocketing. In the courtroom of Maylies household, Oliver not only testified for himself but he also admits his part in the attempted burglary. Maylies are concerned with the fact that Oliver can be saved from committing crimes than with punishing him for the crime that he committed . For the Maylies Oliver's entire history and personality, nature matter rather than any single action of his.

                Mr. Losbern - Maylies's physician conversation with Giles and Brittles elaborates the two kind of moral authority by which character can be judged in Oliver Twist.  Losbern appeals to Giles fear of God's authority of morality to keep him from part in the burglary. Losbern says that Giles will be responsible for Oliver's death of his statement send him to the English Courtroom. But the novel suggests that the spiritual authority of God would sentence Giles for complicity in the death of a child. Giles, Brittles and Losberne are all certain that it was indeed Oliver who committed the crime. The three men are ready to exercise mercy where court system is not.

*             Confusions : Due to Mrs. Maylie and Rose Oliver comes into a normal family life. But have Dickens's characterization of the upper-class family complicates his opriginal intension to give voice to the poor. Oliver is the object of women's kindness Mrs. Bedwin - housekeeper at Mr. Brownlow's house and Nancy both behave nicely with Oliver. But here Maylie women are upper-class and Dickens's portrayed of them creates a confusion and bias toward the lower class for whom this novel has been written.

                Now Oliver's life has totally changed. He has been given freedom, leisure to do nothing all day but read, pick flower, play the piano, take walks.

*             Countryside and city life :  Oliver's migration and move to the countryside after coming into the high class society of the Maylies plays vital role in the novel. Dickens suggests that rural life is superior to city life. In the country, even poor people have "clean houses", "peace". Poor people have sufficient comfort. Dickens's portrait of rural poverty as perfectly pleasant cannot be accurater as compared to the numbers of peasants who prefer to migrate to the city in his time. The condition of the poor in cities is horrible, the extravagant and immoral lives too.

*             The relationship between Harry and Rose :  This relationship shows that marriage based on love is difficult. Dickens values it highly than marriage based on social station. Rose and Mrs. Maylie both believe that marriage based on love is problematic. She cannot do so. As a nameless girl, she says to Harry that his friends will suspect about her identity. In other words, she fears that outsiders will believe that she slept with Harry outside and secured his hand in marriage. She shows her awareness of "respected so called society". Rose thinks of others low people would react and consider their marriage "sordid". It's a kind of satire upon society and its beliefs. Victorians who belonged to the middle and upper classes often married for economic reasons. Individuals usually married someone from a similar economic and social class because if they do not marry the same persons who have the same economic and social status that will harm them. Logicallyh we might think that a marriage between two people of different classes was more liokelyh to be based on love and highly spiritual values, it would violate the material interests.

                Rose regrets that she cannot offer Harry an economically profitable and socially acceptable marriage but Dickens critizes socially and economically motivated marriage. Mr. Bumble and Mrs. Corney have one such marriage, Bumble lead a miserable life. They dislike each other. He bases his marriage on class similarities, not on personal compatibility and the result is a complete disaster.

                Like Nancy and Oliver, Bumble learns of the influence that clothing exercises upon identity. Bumble gives up his position as the beadle to become the workhouse master. Having exchanged one identity for another, he now regrets the change. The power and dignity that a man privileged are not qualities inherent in the men who occupy them. They are like clothing, purchased and worn, they can be taken off as easily as they were put on.

*             Oliver true identity is revealed :  Various people seek to conceal Oliver's identity for their own personal gain. Oliver's identity is related with Monks's identity. It becomes clear that Oliver and Monks are brothers. The meeting of Nancy and Rose represents the clash between two different worlds. Rose has been raised, amid love and plenty and as a result her virtue and kindness are almost unreal. On the other hand, Nancy has struggled for survival in the streets and instead of virtue, her life is full of crime and violence. Both were nameless orphans. Rose has good luck to be taken by Mrs. Maylie who offered her a better life to escape from her unfortunate condition. Rose also offers Nancy a similar life to escape but it is already late for Nancy. Dickens’s argument is that the environment in which people are raised and the company that they keep have a greater influence on their quality of character than they any inborn gets. Rose and Nancy were born in similar circumstances, only the environment in which each was raised has made them so different.

                Nancy confronts Rose with information about Oliver stands in opposition to her earlier decision to get Oliver back to Fagin. As she causes Oliver to become a thief earlier by sending him to Fagin, hew decision to reveal the information she holds about his inheritance may cause him to be healthy. This nobel act of Nancy differs her from victorian stereotypes of the poor as immoral. Nancy has been a thief since childhood, she drinks to excess, she is prostitute, she is virtuous. Dickens suggests something with her characterization that the violation of property laws sexual mores cannot exist with deep generosity and morality.

                In many ways, Nancy has characteristic of vice and seems more virtuous than Rose, who also seems virtuous. But here Dickens wants us to understand the difference because Rose loses nothing by helping Oliver but Nancy loses her life. Nancy the paragon of vice and Rose  the paragon of virtue. He shows the criminal activities of everyone in his social circle. Fagin can send  Nancy to talk to anyone outside his circle of criminal associates.

                Nancy seems to regret her life of vice but she refuses Rose's offer to help her change it. Her love for sikes is more crucial to her decision to return to her old life that she stayed too far from the path of moral goodness. The society treats Nancy's and Rose's romanticism in light that reveals some prejudices against the poor. It is considered a virtue when a woman like Rose is unconditionally faithful to a young man like Harry. When a woman like Nancy does the same to dreadful fellow like Sikes, it becomes violence and suffering.

                The way Fagin uses his strategy to use Nancy's possible lover to control her through blackmailing .  He reveles Nancy's betrayal and  gang's code of silence to Sikes in the worst manner. He describes Nancy's betrayal in such a way as to inspire Sike's murderous rage. Having Nancy killed is as beneficial to Fagin as to Sikes. Fagin always inspires others to do work for him and he uses others. He knows Sikes very well to manipulate him into commiting the horrible crime.

                Oliver Twist explores varities of justice - served by the English court system. Spiritual or goodly justice, sike's crime, personal justice, individual's own conscience. Sikes most cruel crimes happend instantly, as Sike's guilt and his own conscience too hints him and leads him to mental torture. Nancy's dead eyes disturb him. His escaping from London, he feels as everyone is watching towards him suspiciously. Siker's dog, Bull's eye, acts as a kind of walking name tag. The dog follows him everywhere. His own animal lives his mark at the scene of crime his footprints with blood cover the room where Nancy is killed. Bull's eye also functions as  Sikes. The animal is vicious, brutal like its owner. Sike's desire to kill the dog symbolically represents a desire to kill himself.

*             Conclusion :  Oliver the child of Leeford's love affair, is virtuous and innocent, Monks the result of an economic marriage, is morally twisted, immoral and obsessed with health. Dickens shows the disastrous consequences of economically motivated marriages.

                Throughout Oliver Twist, Dickens criticizes the Victorian stereotype of the poor as criminals from birth. Monks too has been a criminal. Brownlow adopts Oliver so once the mystery of his real identity is revealed, he quickly runs to another as Brownlow's adopted son. Fagin dies on the gallows, Sikes hangs himself by accident. Mr. and Mrs. Bumble are deprived of the right to hold public office again. They enter into the poverty and suffer as they has forced in paupers in the past. Monks is not provided any mercy. He is a criminal from birth, he continuous his evils. There is no redemption. Everyone, Oliver's friends enjoy a blissful life.

                The end throws some light to the dead Leeford's character the father of Oliver. He states in his will, that if his child were a son, he would inherit his estate. He would prefer not to give his child hid property to make his child suffer and realize if he does any single crime. He would like to give his child a lifelong poverty as well as illegitimacy if the son ever committed a wrong in his childhood. In the same way the court is willing to punish Oliver for his crimes committed by another. Leeford is ready to punish Oliver for any small misdeed because he hated his first son, Monks. At the story's end, crimes are punished harshly and devilish character  are still hereditary devils at the end. The  real change is that Oliver is now acknowledged as a hereditary angel rather than a hereditary devil. No one can escape the identity dealt to him or her at birth. Mr. Bumble and Fagin may not have been mistreating a defenseless child - but child who was born for a better life.

Monday, 4 March 2013

The Romantic Literature
Unit - 3
Significance of the Title : "Sense and Sensibility"
Sense and sensibility is a Romance novel written by Jane Austen. The story of the novel includes the life and love of Dashwood sisters Elinor an Marianne. They experience love, romance, betrayal and hartbreak. The resolution of the novel is ambiguous.
Elinor Dashwood is the sensible eldest daughter of tar and tars Henry Dashwood. She is fourteen years old at the beginning of the novel. She becomes attached to Edward ferrars. The brother in law of her elder half-brother John. She always feels a sense of responsibility to her family and friends as well. She thinks of their welfare and suppresses her own strong emotions in a way that others think that she is indifferent or cold hearted.
Marianne Dashwood is so romantic and expressive daughter of Mr. and Mrs Henry Dashwood. She  is sixteen years old at the beginning of the book. She becomes the object of the attentions of colonel Brandon and Mr Willoughby. Willoughby is handsome, young and has characteristics of romanticizing. She does not think much of colonel Brandon. Her development throughout the novel is important with the time she realizes of her own lacks and over sensibilities which have became selfish and then she decides to be like her elder sister Elinor. She should have that type of sense and understanding of each and every matter.
To understand the contrast between "Sense" and "Sensibility" is necessary and it has much importance. There is the psychological contrast between the novel's two chief characters, Elinor and Marianne. Elinor represents qualities of "Sense" reason, logic, restraint, social responsibilities and a concern for the welfare of others. In contrast, Marianne, her younger sister, devotion to love and feelings, impulsiveness. Their different attitudes toward the men they love and how to express that love reflect their oppoorte natures.
This dichotomy between "Sense" and "Sensibility" has cultural and historical resonances as well. Austen has written this novel around the 18th century, regarding two cultural movements : Classicism  and Romanticism. Elinor represents the characteristics associated with 18th century, including rationality, reason, logic, insight, Judgment, balance and moderation. In contract, Marianne represents. The qualities associated with "Sensibility" including romance, love, emotions, dedication to the beauty of nature. There are too many examples and proofs in the novel which show how both the characters express their nature and characteristics of sense and sensibility through their behaviour.
How the money, Marriage establish the important role in society and economical concerns play vital role in this novel. Jane Austen wants us to understand the material realities how it forces us to love and to be married. She portrays the tension between reasonable economic concerns and romantic dreams through the characters of Eliner and Marianne. There is a vast difference between both. Eliror's sense and Marianne's 'Sensibility' the duality gets established throughout the novel. Elinor has a good understanding of everything. She has coolness of judgement. She has sensible attitude. In contrast Marianne who reasnbles their mother is "everything but prudent". She longs for a man with taste, grace, spirit in his eyes. Marianne considers her sister cold-hearted regards to Edward Ferrars. Elinor is only a sensible and rational woman.
We can find the sensibility of Marianne and Mrs Dashwood in their excessive mourning over the deaths of the two Men first old Mr. Dashwood and then Henry Dashwood. As compared to grief of Elinor it is silent grief.
Marianne's character has been portrayed emotionally and we can have a proof before departing Marianne wonders. The grounds of Norland uttering sad, words "Dear ! Dear Norland..... oh ! happy house..... . She is leaving behind not just her home but all beautiful memories and a man she has grown, and she has been taken care by her father. It shows the sensibility and emotional nature of Marinne.
Elinor loves to appreciate the nobility, gravity of Brandon. Unlike Marianne appearances do not dazzle the Elinor. Willoughby at first seems like a kind gentleman, she immediately becomes suspicious of his impulsivity and lack of prudences.
As compared to Elinor and Marianne there is a contrast between colonel Brandon who is a man of good sense, Mature, with the understanding and Willoughby has excessive sensibility. Brandon like Elinor is well-road, wise, whereas Willoughby is romantic and headstrong like Marianne. Both of these Men are attracted to Maranne. Willoughby has much in common with her. Marianne and her preference for Willoughby brings disastrous consequences and it shows the danger and harm of excessive sensibility and there should be observation looking beyond appearances while judging characters.
Eliror and Brandon's discussion of "second attachments" is well-known development in the novel. Almost every character except Elinor falls in love more than once. Marianne falls in love with Willoughby but grows to love more sensible colonel. Colonel loves Marianne. Marianne reminds him of a woman he loved before, Ferrars Marries Elinor only after a long engagement to lucy, steel, John Willoughby expresses her devotion to Marianne but then marries the wealthy miss sophia arey. Iven Mr Henry Dashwood had two cwives. In her discussion Eliror seems to have no problem with second attachments. It is only she (Elinor) who Marries the first man she knows and loves. These all incidents and matters show how the characters behave and what they think with sense or sensibility.
When Marianne uses the term "Attachment" it seems individual, subjective feeling of falling in love, a term related to the novel's motion of "Sensibility". The counterpart of their term is "connection". Which refers to the bond "emotional attachment" is related to the notron of "sense". Marianne's relationship with willoughby is described as an attachment whereas when Elinor speaks of her relationship to Edward, she points out the lack of any formal connection between than.
The novel deals with the them of the role of appearance in judging characters. Eliror consistently prevents from judging other character on the basis of appearances alone. This shows Elinor's nature of sense and understanding the wely she acts, thinks, reacts, handler the situation. When Mrs Jennings claims to Brandon is interested in Marianne, Elinor does not, believe it and is not convinced of this fact until Boandon comes to her to discuss Marianne's sensibilities. Each and every incident shows Elinor's rationality and maturity a genuine and obvious insight. Mrs Dashwood and Margaret conclude that Marianne and Willoughby are engaged but Elinor remains skeptical until they both announce about their engagement. Elinor's thinking regarding appearances that those appearances should be confirmed by words. This is another, example of dichotomy in the novel's title.
Marianne's much more emotional nature, romanticism reflect in her behaviour when she behaves as she believes a disappointed lover ought to act. She expresses her grief by reading what she and willoughly read together and by singing only their sons at the piano. The way she remembers and recalls her romantic and lovely memories with her lover shows her high sensibilities. How love and betrayal, departure from lover affect and it hurts her much because of her nature and sensibilities. She draws her mother and Elinor into her mother and Elinor into her own grief, gloom. She makes others unhappy as poossible. Marianne cannot control herself and prevent herself from expressing her grief and it shows her high sensibility, But Elinor as compared to marianne does different and instead of expressing and sharing her grief she tries to conceal her pains from her family when she believes Edward no longer cares for her. She sits alone at table in silent thought and it shwos her 'sense' who does not want to bother others even her own family members.
One of the themes is value of privacy and confusions result from secrecy and concealment. Since Marianne conceals any sort of understanding that may exist between herself and willoughby about their status as a couple. Mrs Dashwood and Elinor can only predict. speculate about their status. Elinor's high conduct of sense reflect in her behavior when she does not greet ferrars with the warm and open regard of a lover but she always awaits his reaction as he is not in hurry in his emotions and it makes Elinor wonder if his feelings have changed. As compared to Marianne she seems to be absorbed in her romantic ideas. She cannot control her sensibilities whereas Elinor knows how to Love and how to maintain relations but she is nature and understands the situation, how to behave and react, how to handle. For Marianne loves comes first and if love has been destroyed or betrayed. She is not able to overcome from that situation and she seems to be very sensitive, possessive and coannot prevent herself from expressing her grief and pains before others. How Elinor's sense reflects in her behaviour and how Marrianne sensibility reflects in her expressions and way of acting or reacting have been portryaed well.
There is a contrast between Dashwood sisters and the steels. The ofeels  lack education. Anne ofeel is thirty - plain - looking , simple minded whereas the Dashwood girls are beautiful and insightful. Lucy is smart, pretty, but lacks education which she has not achieved. Elinor is accomplished in drawing while Marianne is in playing piano as if Jane Austen in her own time she studied drawing, painting and piano. Women of Genteel classes  were expected to acquire  skills. But the steels have no such skills. The main purpose of these skills was to help a woman acquire a husband so with this reference again Elinor's sense plays vital role in the novel. Elinor is an educated woman with skills and understanding so she had a reason to be surprised when the unaccomplished lucy steel announced her secret engagement to Edward Ferrars. Elinor values sense, education, good-will of others, skills etc. Lucy's revelation is a critical turning point in Elino'r thinking because now her hopes of marrying ferars are over. It will be futile to think of ferrars again becuase he has been engaged for a long time. We can find her higher sense through the way she digests the news and it shows her characteristic sense and rationality. She also reasons that Edcord's engagement to lucy must have been the product of a youthful fatuation rather than a genuine affection. One of the most excellent things and qualities of Elinor is she always thinks from other's prospective also she is able to understand. She thinks practically if at has happened or someone has done this then she will think of logic and reason or circumstances. She always thinks from a reasonable and genuine perspective.
Inspite of having the proof of Willoughby's selfish inconstant character Marianne still has some expectations for her meeting to Willoughby. It shows her nature. In spite  of being hurted how that love matters for her so highly sensibility and emotional state of mind is shown will. She also travels to town and accompanies Mrs. Jennings. How she has been waiting, for many days and Willoughby doesn't  come. Here Elinor too thinks of Willoughby because she thinks of the welfare of her sister and her concern again shows her rational thinking because she is practical, has sense but she loves her family, her sister and if her sister meets willoughby it would be better for Marianne because her condition is too miserable. Elinor also understands and knows very well if her sister spends her life with that inconstant selfish, person she will be in trouble and she will have to suffer but the condition and circumstances require Willoughby so here the extreme kind  of maturity and understanding have been shown on the part of Elinor.
The contrast and difference between Elinor seems in their reactions to their lovers' insensitive treatement. Elinor thinks she does not have to share, lucy's news about Edward with her mother and sister wherease Marianne's grief cannot be imagined. She expresses her pain through her behavior and can't control herself from showing genuine grief to others. Marianne insists through her grief that "I care not who knows that I am wretched." Her attempt to claim intimacy with Willoughby at the party shows the dangers of showing one's fellings publicaly and contracts with Elinor's nature who seems more careful and she is more cautions restraint. When Marianne arrives at cleveland with Elinor with Mrs Jennings her melancholy nature still remains there. She takes walks in the evenings. She become ill because of violent cold. Her illness is a proff of her excessive romantic sensibility. The way she has been suffering is miserable. The rejection of her lover mother, show her sensibility. Her illness is not only related to physical toody  but also the soul. How she is hurted, betrayed in love which comes first for her. Her illness is due to mental fains as well.
Elinor must not only deal with her sister's illness but also with the individual who was responsible for her condition. It was too difficult for her to forgive Willoughby and take care of her sister or to trust willoughby instead of his vicious, inconstant nature. The way she acts and handles the situation it shows her "sense". When they were in London, Elinor concluded that willoughby was villain, but now she comes to pity with him. Elinor perhaps finds it easier to forgive him because she knows ultimately he has suffered - and will continue to suffer for his misconduct. He has entered into a loveless inarrige with a woman him happy. Elinor knows now that his love for marianne was genuine in spate of his inappropriate behavior. Even the rational and restrained Elinor moves to forgive Willoughby after hearing his confession.
Elinor, though representing sense, does not, lack passion and Marianne, though representing sensibility is not always foolish and headstrong but genuine too. In this  novel Jane, Austen seems to argue not for the dismissal of of sensibility but for the creation of a balance between reason and passion. Too much sensibility may harm it is proved through Marianne's character and too little feeling is also dangerous as dangerous as too much.
Elinor and Marianne achieve happiness at the end of the novel but they learn from one another together. They show how to feel and express their sentiments. The novel's success is not a result of the triumph of sense over sensibility but need to remember sense and sensibility as a conjunction. Thus the title has been given to the novel through two main characters sense and sensibility.