Monday, 8 October 2012

A critique on gulliver's travels

NAME                           :        VORA HIRVA P.
ROLL NO.                   :        13
M.A. SEM – I
SUB                               :        THE NEO-CLASSICAL LITERATURE
TOPIC                          :        A CRITIQUE ON GULLIVER'S TRAVELS
SUBMITTED TO        :        Department of English
                                                Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji University
GUIDED BY                 :        Dr. DILIP BARAD
                                                HEENABA ZALA
A Critique On Gulliver’s Travels
                    Gulliver travels is a delightful fantastic story of adventure for children, a political allegory and a serious satire on human nature and contemporary politics. Jonathan swift criticizes on social institutions and manner of man. The book was written in the form of a travelogue. The hero and narrator of the story is lemuel Gulliver an English Phycian. In story there are many incidents. In these four voyages swift has criticized a lot. In Lilliput Gulliver is giant among those tiny people, Lilliputians. Swift criticizes on moral pettiness of humans seen in the behavior of the Lilliputians. There is a criticism of human beings who are filled with the sense of their own pride, grandeur, importance. They cannot view themselves with their faults. Swift criticizes on four aspects of man: The Physical, the political, the intellectual, and the moral. It expresses follies, vices, and stupidities of men, and it shows an awareness of man’s tragic insufficiency. Swift’s criticism was certainly written in anger, contempt.
                   There are many occasions on which we laugh in the course of reading the book. We are meant to laught at the toy-kingdom of the Lilliputians; the acrobatic skill of the politicians and the courtiers at the absurd jealousy of the dimmutive minister who suspects an adulterous relationship between his wife and the giant Gulliver. We laugh at the abstractness of the philosophers of Laputa, and at the mad experimenters of Balnibarbi. The Houyhnhnms so limited and so positive in their knowledge and opinions, so skilled in such improbable tasks as threading needles or carrying trays, so complacent in their belief that they are “ the perfection of nature. ”
                   The surface of the book is comic, at its centre is tragedy with perfect control of tone and pace, and with perfect timing, he leads us into an awareness of human kind and corrupt human nature. Swift forces us to look into the stupid, evil, brutal heart of humanity.
                   Events which established the tones of the four voyages. In the first voyage it is accident, which accounts for the ship-wreck. In the second Gulliver is left alone in a strange land through the cowardice of his shipmates. In the third he is captured and later abandoned by pirates. In the fourth his crew of cutthroats molts, seize the ship and leaves him to starve on a nearby island. In the first two voyages Gulliver is made aware of the disproportion which pascal had found in man. Gulliver in his voyage to Lilliput looks down the chain of being and finds himself an awkward giant in that delicate kingdom. In the voyage to Brobdingnags he looks up the chain and discovers a race of superior beings among whom his pride melts on account of his humiliating knowledge of his own physical insignificance. The emphasis in these two voyages is upon physical size, Lilliputians see Gulliver’s kindness and gentleness, Brobdingnag brings out his moral and physical courage. Man is comically and magically disproportioned, man has moral virtues which he can exercise and which he does exercise.
                   The inhabitants of these two strange lands Lilliput and brobdingnag  are also disproportioned from the beginning the Lilliputians arouse our intrest and win our liking. Their fascinating little city capture our fancy. But in the end they prove to be proud, rapacious, cruel, revengeful, jealous, and hypocritical. Their social and political systems have  become corrupt. They are governed by an emperor who aims at destroying the neighbouring kingdom. The courtiers and ministers here are chosen not for their fitness but for their skill in walking on the tight rope and leaping over sticks or creeping under them. Their vices, their appetites, their ambitions and their passions are too big for their small stature.
                   Gulliver who seemed to be lovable among the Lilliputians, appears disgraceful and morally insensitive in contrast to the enlightened and benevolent people of this land. Since Gulliver represent us (all human beings) his shame and ludicrousness are ours. In brobbingnag Gulliver realizes that he appears as ridiculous to these people as the Lilliputians had seemed to him.
                   Gulliver is humiliated by the king of brobdinganag but he is still blind to the defects of European society. When he is questioned by the king about England, he describes everything with enthusiasm, the class system, the constitution, the lands, the military glory, and the history of that country. In king’s questions, there is voice of morality condemning the institutions of the modern world. The king is high-minded, benevolent, rational. The king and his people think practically not theorically, concretely not metaphysically; and simply brobdingnag is swift’s utopia of common good sense and morality but Gulliver conditioned by the corrupt society from which he comes, appears to be blind to moral value. So by showing the utopia of common good sense swift criticizes Gulliver’s corrupt society.
                   When Gulliver offers to the king a complete control over his subjects by teaching him to manufacture gunpowder, the king is horrified. Gulliver speaks as an European, feels surprise and contempt. King rejects Gulliver’s offer as a strange effect of “ narrow principles and short views.” The king is baffled by the concept of political scence. He cannot understand how the art of government can be reduced to a science. The learning of the brobdingnagians is simple and practical, consists of morality, history, poetry and mathematics. Swift omits metaphysics, theoretical science, from the category of useful knowledge.
                   Swift criticizes on human pride ourselves in the Lilliputians, and also in Gulliver when he arrives in brobdingnag, swift wants us to become aware of our own pettiness, aware of the disproportion of the human race and shocking difference between what we profess and what we are philosophers of the time were never tired of admiring the beautiful perfection of the human body, its intricateness, perfect power of speech and expression, but how does this glorious human body appear to inferior creatures like insects ? Swift wants us to understand the answer by making us share Gulliver disgust at the cancerous breasts, lousy bodies of the beggars and at the blotched colour. Human beauty is only apparent while human disproportion is real.
                   Swifts criticizes a lot on Gulliver’s visit to Laputa or the flying island, to glubbdubdrib, to luggnagg, and to Japan. It is the funniest account in the whole book. The third voyage is a kind of fantasia which swift treats under a single metaphor. The metaphor is science and the themes are politics and the abuse of reason.
                   Swifts criticizes on the comic obsessions of the people of Laputa. They are obsessed with only two branches of knowledge namel mathematics and music. People’s manner is awkward and clumsy so far as the common actions and behavior of life are concerned. They are bad reasoners and imagination, fancy, and invention are alien to them. The way of the tailor, who is ordered to make a suit of clothes for Gulliver, first takes Gulliver’s attitude with a quadrant and then with the compasses, sketches, the dimensions and outlines of Gulliver’s whole body on a sheet of paper. The suit is criticized by swift which is very badly made because the tailor had made a mistake in his calculations. The obsession of music makes  people think that they can hear the music of the spheres. Beside, these people are in a state of constant fear because of the changer which they think would take place in heavenly bodies. They believed that the earth would in course of time be swallowed up by the sun or the face of the sun would by degrees become dark and therefore give no more light to the world. The astronomers on this island have been able to make discoveries beyond those made by European astronomers. The scientists leave their work incomplete. Most of the country is wasted. Houses are in rain. Laggnagg has been criticized a lot by swift. He finds there immortal people. A child born with a red mark on his or her forehead is destined to be immortal. People suffer loss of  memory, unemployed become ugly and handicapped and are considered dead at eighty. Gulliver loses his desire for immortality after seeing the miserable state of the immortals. Swift criticizes mostly on the ways of living of these people.
                   Swift’s satire on new agricultural methods prevailing in Logado shows his level of criticizing and satirizing. One such project is that all the fruits of the earth shall come to maturity at whatever season people think fit to choose.
                   The scientists are involved in various experiments including extracting sunbeams from cucumbers, A clever architect is trying to built houses starting from the roof. A blind man was mixing colours by feeling and smelling them. There are strange experiments being conducted in mathematical school.
                   Swift’s satire on politicians in Logado is an excellent one. So far as politics is concerned, swift makes us laugh at the foolishness and selfishness of favorites of monarchs and others engaged in the game of politics. The academy of Logado is criticized and swift ironically tells us that the professor at this school have a scheme for persuading kings to choose favorites on the basis of wisdom, capacity, virtue, for teaching ministers of the government to be guided by the public good; for rewarding merit and ability; choosing employment persons who are properly qualified. One in genius professor has proposed that every legislator should be given certain medicine which will keep him and his mental condition so that should not talk any nonsense during the whole session of the legislative assembly. Another professor has suggested that the favorites of kings should be given suitable medicine to keep them awake and stimulate their memories to make them aware so that they should not forget their promises to the public. One of the professors has devised ways and means for discovering plots and conspiracies against the government. To include suspected persons, their times of eating, upon which side they lie in bed.
                   Many incidents and part’s activities show that swift tries to criticize them.
                   In this book ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ we have a criticism of historians and historical researches. Alexander, Hamm bal, for instance give to Gulliver versions of events from the book found history. The commentators and critics of Homer and Aristotle are ridiculed for having grossly misrepresented these two great authors to the world. Swift criticizes and mocks at men and women of great familiar who had married persons of the lowest classes, thus injecting inferior blood into their families. Those who have risen to worldly greatness by adopting shameful methods are also the object of swift’s critical attack. There is the grim and corrosive satire on the human longing for immortality which is symbolized by the struldbrugs.
                   The fourth voyage in Gulliver’s Travels has provoked violent attacks on some aspects. The meaning of this part of the book is that man is utterly wicked desperate, and weak, his passions are monstrous, his ignorance is better than his vaunted reason, his boastness. The view that swift was a savage, mad, embittered misanthrope is based upon misinterpretation of the last voyage. The account of the last voyage is the work of a christian – humanist and a moralist.
                   There are many reasons to attack on the account of the fourth voyage. The intensity and violent rhetoric of the voyages are overwhelming and may paralyze the critical faculty of readers. Gulliver becomes the victim of swift irony as he grows to hate the human race. The houyhnhnms have been regarded as swift’s ideal for man, and the yahoos have been identified as his representation of what men are in actual facts. Neither of these opinions seems to be correct.
                   In the first two voyages Gulliver is shown uncomfortably situated on the isthmus of middle state between the very small Lilliput and the very large Brobdingnag. In the fourth voyage the isthmus exists between the purely rational the purely sensual between houyhnhnms and yahoo neither of these symbols can stand for men because Gulliver is himself the symbol of mankind. Swift simply isolates the two elements that combine in the duality of man in order to allow Gulliver to contemplate each in its essence.
                   Swift does not recommend that Gulliver should try to become a houyhnhnm. Houyhnhnm land is a rationalistic paradise. The hoyhnhnms are the embodiment of pure reason. They know neither love nor grief nor lust nor ambition. They cannot lie, and they do not understand the meaning of opinion. Their society is an aristocracy based upon the slave labour of the yahoos and work of a specially – bared servant class. They face the processes of life, such as marriage, child-birth, accident. Their society is a planned society that has achieved the mild anarchy which many utopian dreamers have aspired to. They practice eugenics and they control the size of their population. Children are educated by the state. The agrarian economy is supervised by a democratic council. The government is conduct by periodic assemblies. The houyhnhnms feel natural human affection for one another but they love everyone equally. The picture is admirable but it is remote from the possibilities of human life.
                   Swift does not intend us to accept the way in which houynhnms live and spend their lives as an ideal way of life swift was opposed to stoicism and he records his adverb view of it elsewhere in his work. “ The stoical shame of supplying our wants by looping off our desires is like cutting off our feet when we want shoes. ” Swift has written it. It is Gulliver, not swift, who is greatly impressed by the houyhnhnms who aspires to rise above the human condition and to become pure intelligent as these horses are. Swift criticizes at the houyhnhnms way of life and their beliefs, thoughts.
                   Swift’s representation of the yahoos, it is a symbolic of the bestial element in human nature. The yahoos do not represent swift’s view of man; they rather represent swift’s view of the bestial element in man, the unenlightened, unregenerate, irrational element in human nature. These all things show swift’s satire. That is the reason why the houyhnhnms classify Gulliver with the yahoos. That is why the female yahoos wishes to copulate with him. That is why, despite his instinctive shrinking from them. Gulliver has to admit with shame and horror that he is more like the yahoos than like the houyhnhnms. Beacause of his neglect or misuse of human reason. The European man has sunk nearer to the yahoos pole of his nature than he has risen toward the houyhnhnms pole. The seeds of human society and of human depravity, as they exist in Europe, are clearly found in the society of the yahoos. Gulliver looks into an ugly human nature, the frail light of reason and of morality.
                   It is Gullivers, not swift who sees and identifies the yahoos with men, so he not swift turns a misanthrope. Since he does not want to be a yahoo, he seeks to become a houyhnhnm as nearly as possible. But he can do so only by denying his place in and responsibility to the human condition by aspiring above the middle link, which is man to the next higher link which is that of the purely rational. The houyhnhnms are given a terrifying account of European man and society concludes that the corruption of reason is worse than brutality itself and that man is more dangerous than the yahoo.
                   Swift criticizes at Gulliver’s alienation from the human race. Although the houyhnhnms never acknowledge that Gulliver is more than an unusually gifted yahoo, he aspires to their rationality, stoicism and simple attained these qualities he feeds his growing misanthropy on pride, which alienates him not only from his remote kinsmen, the yahoos but eventually from the human race.
                   Swift’s satire on Gulliver as a changed man at the end is an excellent one. Gulliver is banished in despair sets sail from houyhnhnms land, his pride, his misanthropy, and his madness become apparent. Deceived by his worship of pure reason he commits the error of the houyhnhnms in equating human beings with the yahoos. When he is captured by a Portuguese crew and forced to return from sullen solitude to humanity, he trembles between fear and hatred. The captain of the ship, Don pedro de hendez, like Gulliver himself, shares the nature of the houynhnhnms and the yahoo, and like the Gulliver of the first voyage he is tolerant, sympathetic, kind, and charitable. But Gulliver can no longer recognize these virtues in a human being. Gulliver is repelled by Don pedro’s clothes, food and odour. Gulliver is compelled to admit in the very tones of his admired horses, that his benefactor has a “very good human understand but the Gulliver who writes this book is still under the control of his obsession. He prefers the smell to the company of his wife and children. The end swift directs his savage, come his straight at Gulliver and his pretensions: “ My reconcilement to the yahoo kind in general might not be so difficult if they would be content with those vices and follies only which nature has entitled them to. I am not in the least provoked at the sight of a lawyer, a pick – pocket, a colonel, a fool, a whore monger, a physian, an evidence, a suborner, an attorney, a trailor, or the like. This is all according to the due course of things. But when I behold a lump of deformity and diseases both of body and mind, smitten with pride, it immediately breaks all the measures of my patience; neither shall I ever be able to comprehend how such an animal and such a vice could tally together. ”
                   Thus swift attacks on the vice and pride. Gulliver here tells us that he could reconcile himself to most of the vices and follies of human beings if they had been free from the vice of pride. The houyhnhnms he points out, live under the Government of reason and are not at all proud of the good dualities they posses.
                   According to one critic, Gulliver by his technique of narration does not create a sense of reality about himself Gulliver is not a character in the sense in which Tom Jones, for example, is a character, says this critic. He is in fact, abstraction, manipulated in the service of satire and criticism. Gulliver strikes us as a real, living personality. There was no need for swift to subject Gulliver to any kind of psycho – analysis.


  1. your assignment is full of knowledge. Through the assignment we get knowledge about how he suffered in four voyages. One side we think it is a child fiction novel but other side writer satire on our human society,their thoughts and irresponsible maintainability and he also satire on political and economic cries.

  2. Hi Hirva in the third paragraph of the assignment a critique on Gulliver's travels, you have called the novel tragedy, so i like to suggest that you have to put some examples from the novel to prove it as a tragedy.

  3. Dear Heeral again I would tell you to read my assignment carefully. After reading it you definitely will get the idea . I have discussed enough about four voyages and how Gulliver travels and experiences. He suffers a lot and at the end he becomes aware of corrupt human nature and evils , brutality of humans. In tragedy main hero always suffers because of his lack of understanding and false beliefs. Does Gulliver not suffer when he comes to know about his false beliefs and thinking ?? you will have to read dis carefully then you will have to think thrice and you will be able to understand. I don't need to explain more because my assignment will make you understood for sure.Thanks.
