Name: Vora Hirva p
Roll No: 12
Submitted to Department of English
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji
Bhavnagar University.
'Significance of
the title 'The Purpose'
- T.P. Kailasam
purpose of the this thesis has been to propose an assessment or interpretation
of T.P. Kaisam's "Private mythology" of its genesis, its readers.
This mythology war of course largely influenced by the circumstances of his
time. Indeed, we have noted earlier in this thesis that Northrop Frye, looked
on myth, as a means of recanting "a society's history, religion of social
observation is as true of traditional transmissions of myth as it is of such
recent and counselors efforts of kailasm's. The 'tailing' of myth in this
English plays performs its own part in the nationalist project of rewriting
uniqueness lies not merely in evoking our sympathies for Eklavya, Karna,
Bharata or Keechka but also in elevating then to the level of tragic heroes who
were masculine, skillful and capable of achievement. In addition, kailasam
attempted to features that the colonizes believed they possessed an which
accounted for their superiority over Indians.
purpose highlights Eklavya's ambition to become the greatest archer in the
world in order to project his fawns from the wolves just as it highlights, the
questionable motivation of other 'heroic' characters in their shabby treatment
of the 'low' born hero. These
"Purpose" of kailasam can be linked to the broader purpose of the
nationalist movement of India to rewrite India's past as a foundation of the
nationalistic feeling, movement and sense of self. For this purpose, like
others, kailasam was willing to subsample to emerging concepts of modernity
implicit in the redefinitions of qualities such as masculinity and adulthood
and to 'search' for exempla of them in India's own 'past'.
seems to specifically emphasize the "Purpose" the predicament and
motivation of the fringe characters of mythology to highlight something of the
tradition and of what was required for modernization of that tradition.
Significance of title is very important. He investigates their characters
beyond the roles assigned to them by the authorized versions of the great epics
and he transforms them from passive victims to active participants thus fitting
them into western definitions of 'Masculinity' kailasam simultaneously questioned
the 'authority of unfair projections operative for millennia which leveled to
our divided and unjust society.
purpose to reinter the past in the light of his contemporary reality. Yet in
this process kailasam employs a language of the past that too a language
reasonable unfamiliar even to English – educated Indians.
analyzing kailasam's preoccupation with marginalized characters as Modern
alternatives or exemplars for reshaping society, this dissertation has
discovered more topics for study one of them is the construction of women
especially as mothers in the lives of these heroes. The concept of motherhood
for most nationalist writers was associated with the crucial role of
procreating and rearing special breed of men. This role extended to energizing
the menfolk to reconstruct the "Motherland".
Kailasam's play 'The purpose it is Eklavya's mother. A study of neglected
literary documents like Kailasam's plays will have some serious impact on the
image and definition, the historical perception of wider disciplines or domains
like Indian writing in English, To take just one instance. Such document will
help clarity once again why in a certain period of this century Indian writing
in English was self conscious of history.
attention is given to identity movements with modernity kailasam has emphasized
on it. This type of movements were increased in the days of freedom struggle.
The concept of purpose is completely charged from the original mythical story.
The struggle for one's identity is established through a 'Nishada' for example
Eklavya in 'The Purpose'. Nationalistic feelings were aroused through these
type of historical plays of Kailasam.
It is
very important to know the difference between Eklavya and Arjuna. Their
purposes were different. Arjuna's purpose was self-centered. He wanted to become the greatest archer of the
world whereas. Eklavya wanted to save others's lives. In the purpose 'Eklavya's
portrayal has been described well- as, a modern person than Mahabharata. Being
a son of 'Nishada' he suffers a lot. He belongs to Bhal community. He lives in
a forest with his mother.He is son of Vyatraj Harinyadhary. His father was a
soldier in the army of king of Magadha. So Eklavya wants to save poor animals
from cruel animals and he has desire to learn arehary. His purpose is not self-centered
but to help others. Arjuna was a selfish areher. His purpose was to become the
greatest areher of world. Kailasam has given more significance to Eklavaya's
character and has given him priority. According to Kailasam Eklavaya is
considered an important character than Arjuna. Because without Eklavaya's
sacrifice of his Thumb Arjuna would not have become the greatest archar or he could
not have been succed. Eklavaya's character is considered important in the
purpose. Here Arjuna has been criticized being a selfish person and
self-centered. But In Mahabharata Arjuna has been given more importance. In the
purpose when Eklavya expresses his desire to learn archery from Guru Dron, Guru
Dron becomes impressea Dronacharya also asks Eklavya about his purpose behind
learning archery. Eklavya replied that he wants to save poor animal. How
Dronacharya is quite impressed to know Eklavya's keen interest to learn
archery. Now Dronacharya agrees with Eklavya and he is ready to teach him
archery. But after knowing that Guru Dronacharya has been convinced by Eklavya
Arjuna reminds Dronacharya about his promise Arjunathat he would be a great
archer of work so now Guru Drona denies to Eklavya that he will not teach hip
archery. Arjuna was a Brahmin a high caste, archar from a royal family.
Dronachaya cannot teach a lower caste boy. It was believed in society during
that time. Guru Drona has no right to choose his pupils. Arjun does not want
Guru Drona to teach Arjuna archery and Dronacharya couldnot do anything. He had
to agree with Arjuna and it is considered one of the important reasons of
unfare with Eklavya. It Guru Dron had been agreed than Eklavya could have
achieved archery from Guru Dron. Here Arjuna should not have raised questions
about Eklavya and his promise because he was a student and Guru Drona was his
character has been portrayed excellently by T.P. Kailasam. He has all necessary
qualities to learn archery but here power or caste plays vital role. Even
though he learns the skill himself. Sacrifices his thumb. Suffering goes on as
being the boy of lower caste. He embarked upon a program of self study in the
presence of a clay image of Drona. He achieves a level of skill superior to
that of Arjuna, Drona's favourite and most accomplished pupal. After the
revelation of Eklavya that he is from lower caste Drona gets
worried and demands that Eklavya turn over his right thumb as gurudakshina. The
loyal Eklavya cripples himself, thereby reducing his abilities as in archer.
Drona was the Brahmin teacher appointed by the Royal Family of Hasthinapura to
teach the young kaurava and pandav princes. The military skills that the
princes reeded to learn. One of these skills includes archery. Drona being a
Brahmin teacher and more than that being the teacher of princes could not
accept Eklavya. Drona was an employee of the kingdom of Hastinapura and was not
free to accept students on his will Eklavya was deeply hurt by Drona's refusal.
So Eklavya made a statue of Drona accepted the statue of Drona as his guru and
practiced in front of the statue every single day. Here we can see Eklavya as
subaltern and a marginalized hero. It raises serious questions about caste –
system and about its systice. If gives us glimpses that how the marginalized
tribes were treated by the dominates Aryan people. He had potential to excel
Arjuna. The Aryan hero. But the dominating Aryans conspired and neutralized the
challenge by aksing Eklavya to donate thumb
of his right hand. According to rule of morality if, a Nishada boy becomes
a better archer than the high born pupil. It goes against the rule of morality
on hunting expedition in the forest the dog was barking and his mouth was shut
by the arrows shot by Eklavya. We can find excessive reverence to the Brahmins
even if they do not deserve it. Out attitude towards Dronacharya was negative.
How shameless he was, he has weared the mask of civility. We feel proud of
Eklavya in response to his cruel demand the behavior of Eklavya was very
submissive. Even though the teacher may refuse to train him and demand his
thumb. How Eklavya is expected to behave towards his Brahmin teacher. Eklavya
lost his efficiency as a archer. Arjuna becomes thus great archer. Here we find
the one generally feels jealousy towards someone who is superior to us. Eklavya
was made scapegoat to serve salfish end of the dominated caste hierarchy.
Non-Aryan Eklavya as a representative of the opposed tribes. T.P. Kailasam
wants the readers to look at Guru Drona again how he pretends and if he had
true desire to train Eklavya than he would have trained him and taught him
archery but he does not do so. In this play T.P. Kailasam's attitude towards
Guru Drona was negative. According to Kailasam at the end of the play Eklavya
repents and becomes revolutionary but here one questions is raised if Eklavya
was a true archer and true 'Shisya' he should not have repented According to
Kailasam Arjuna wants his fame but Eklavya even does not think of his winning
by helping others. He does not think like that. Here his dignity and greatness
are shown. According to Kalilasam Eklavya has suffered a lot because of caste
system, society, Brahmins. He is a subaltern. There is no any reference of
Eklavya in Mahabharata after his sacrifice of avoided. He has not been given
more importance which he needs. So According to Kailasam Eklavya is superior to
Arjuna. He has preferred Eklavya to, Arjuna. Because after Dronacharya's
refusal he struggled a lot and achieved the skill on his own. The title of the
purpose highlights the purpose of Eklavya's life. In this direction Kailasam
makes his own imaginations. He naturally makes his Eklavya observe from a
distance the skills in archery and then practice in his place with the image of
his Guru in his mind. When Drona is haplessly caught in a Mental conflict on
Arjuna's serious charge Eklavya Though, placed in between dual loyalty (towards
his teacher on one side and, his fawns on the other realizes Drona's awakward
position and voluntarily sacrifices his right thumb as gurudakshina. In
handling the theme of the purpose Kailasam lays an emphasis on the power of
penance its potentiality of concentration and a single minded efforts on the
one hand ant the purpose of doing a thing (here, learning archery) on the
other. Among the three kinds of people whose purposes are different, Eklavya
belongs to the third' category whose "one aim is in his labour that others
might reap the harvest his toils without the least profit to himself. One has
to question the probability of Eklavaya's joining the Kaurava in view of the
fact that Eklavya's sacrifice of his right thumb has already rendered him
almost unfit for archery. Further compared to Eklavya, Lord Krishna of the
playlet seems to be debased as highly selfish and partial. One would be jimply
stunned and would find it difficult to reconcile oneself to the horrible
treacherous act committed by Krishna, though Eklavya is supposed to have
transgressed his purpose in life.
purpose serves as a goes example in this regard, the play wright goes to the
other extaine in keechaka the other plays coming in between. Kailasam adopts
the modern concept of democracy and socialism is traced in the ancient
benevolent monarchy, which idea is expressed in the statements like "the
king is like a common man and the common man like a king and the hero of the
play is portray as one who is wedded to truth, jyotice and service to humanity
like Eklavya.
we can take the example of karna also. Karna and Eklavya are similar
characters. We can find many similarities between both of them. Karna had to
suffer a lot in his life. Because Kunti does not accept her child [Karna] She
gets pregnant before her marriage. He was the son of surya and Kunti. The child
Karna was found by Adhiratha, a charioteer of king Dhritarashtra of Hastinapura.
Adhiratha and his wife Radha raised the boy as their own son. He also came to
be known as 'Radheya' the son of Radha. Krishna had to speak lie to his
teacher. Prarashurama as his training come to completion, Prashurama learned
the truth about his star pupil. When parashurama requested Karna to bring a
pillow for him to lie his head on in the shade of tree. Karna offered his lap,
but while parshurama was asleep, a giant bee stung Karna's thigh. Karna did not
move in spite of having pain because he does not want to disturb his guru's
sleep. The would began to bleed. Parshurama was worken up by the blood and
deduced at once that Karna was a Kshatriya and not a Brahmin because only
Kshtriya could endure such a pain. Parshurama who had sworn vengeance against
all Kshatriyas laid this curse upon Karnas that he would forget all the mantras
required to wield the divine weapon Brahmastra, the most destructive weapon in
archery. When Kunti comes to know about his real son she goes to meet him But
instead of accepting Karna. The wants to save pandavas and she wants Karna to
save their lives. Here we get disgust with Kunti and how Karna is treated.
Karna had been killed by Arjuna when Karna had no protection. It was against
the rule of war. Because Karna had no arrows as great as Eklavya-according to
Kailasam because both suffers a lot karna should have been given the importance
as the greatest son and archer but because of Arjun he could not have achieved
much importance as an individual. According to Kailasam Eklavaya had all
frailties as a great archer. He is considered the, greatest archer from
Kailasam's point of view. Arjun is not considered as great as Eklavaya and he
is not as great as Eklavya. Dronacharya and Arjuna were both responsible.
Because of them Eklavya had to suffer a lot. Here society, beliefs, casteism
misery all have been criticized. Adhrence to meaningless and unnecessary
suctoms days vital role. If these all things had not affected Eklavya he would
have becomes the greatest archer of the world. It is believed by T.P. Kailasam
in 'The purpoe'.
Hi Hirva
ReplyDeleteyour assignment is very good.Your description about Eklavya and his ambition become a great archer in the world. But it is not possible and he suffered more and more because of his caste.Through the Eklavya's character you justify the title of the play.
As you know in this subject we had to write on our own so I just tried and described whatever I understood. I need not explain more because you have studied it and again I am really grateful to you because you are fond of reading history and religious books and you helped me a lot.If you hadn't helped me I could not have written dis assignment and also my presentation about Eklavya as a subaltern . again thank you.